Change Folder Colour

Changing folder color, in addition to changing folder icon, is a quick way to differentiate certain folders from the rest. Having a new folder color is also a good idea to get you out of boredom from looking at the standard color. Tochange folder color in Windows 7 you would need a third-party application. In the past we have looked at what Folderico has for you, now there is anotherfolder color changer called Rainbow Folders.

While Folderico actually only replaces a standard folder icon with a colorized one, Rainbow Folders lets you change folder color with custom colors. Just choose which folder style you want and use the color slider to pick up a color for the target folders. Adding a tooltip to target folders can also be done with theprogram. Additionally, it lets you change multiple folders at once as well.
Rainbow Folders is an old application yet it works on all Windows versions including Windows 7, both 32-bit and 64-bit. It’s free, by the way. DownloadRainbow Folders from the developer’s homepage.


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